Cameron and Jasmine are here!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Morty and Jasmine

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Dog Show!

My friend Valerie called me up about 5 months ago and told me her daughter wanted to go to a dog show.  So, we found one and went.

Mr. Bearded Collie gave her a big kiss and she was thrilled.

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We found a friendly basenji.

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Mr. English Cocker Spaniel and Jazzie became friends fast.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The week in review

We pretended we had Pirate teeth.  Gold and silver!

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Sometimes I wonder if they will be the next Donny and Marie.  Cameron’s always playing the piano and Jasmine is always dancing to his music.

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We got a new Wii!  Cameron beats me sword fighting and bowling all the time.  He definitely got Daddy’s ‘computer’ gene.

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Aaahhhh, time to relax!

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Boys weekend at the beach

Cam and two of his twin buddies, Ellliot, Noah, Ian and Thomas all went to Seaside.   We learned how to Geocache. 

Here’s his friend Thomas.

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It’s time to get our yahoo’s out.

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Playing is such hard work, time for a rest.

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Here are his friend Ian, Thomas, Elliot and Noah.

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If you’re wondering what Geocaching is, here’s the link.  The kids couldn’t believe their eyes when they found a box of treasure hidden on the beach!

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This ammo box works great against the elements of the Oregon Coast.

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Here’s the end of the Lewis and Clark Trail. 

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On our way to find our third Geocache.

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Cameron had a blast hanging with the boys.

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Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!! 2010 is here!

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At the mall where they are always trying to curl someone’s hair!

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