Cameron and Jasmine are here!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pirate Party, A snake, broken glasses, american’s next Idol, kittens


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good Morning Daddy!

Morning 002 How’s Austin?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 4th and Cameron’s new glasses

July42009 004 Cameron is still afraid of fireworks, But this time he had some girls to “protect him”.

Meanwhile, it’s been hot and they are having fun with their new water slide.

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and now for Cameron’s new glasses.  I think he’s enjoying being able to see now.

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And now for the super flying Cameron and Jasmine on their white horse.

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Meanwhile, the kittens are back!  Momma and her 4 2 week old babies arrived about a week ago.

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Jasmine, the cat whisperer just has a way with animals.  Here she is carrying Randi around.  Randi!

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Moma's Birthday!

The kids would like to wish you a happy one.

Happy Birthday, we love you.

Friday, July 03, 2009


What didn’t we do?   Geez, I think we did more than we did more than we didn’t do. 

Jaz and Cam got to feed the giraffe's at the Woodland Park Zoo.  Leaves and berries.  No pics, but they will tell you all about it.  FEED ME!

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Jasmine was so bummed that the  birdie would not stand on her little finger.  She tried so hard.Seattle 039

Hello Mr. Snow Leopard.Seattle 043

At the end of the zoo day, they just wanted to go back to Africa and bang on the drum.


Seattle 055

Off to the Children’s museum.It is rather intersting to see what captures their attention.  I notice Jasmine double painting, and Cameron was faciinated by the ball machine that light iup LIGHTS.  He’s still fascinated with lights.

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Where’s the Fire?

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I LOVE Seattle.  So much to do.

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And to top the night, off to EM Project.  Short lived.  Tired, hungry children = quick jaunt around the museum. I did like this tornado of musical instruments though.

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Day Two,  We found another children’s museum.

Kyle's house 001 Kyle's house 002

Kyle's house 003Kyle's house 005 Kyle's house 011 Kyle's house 013 Kyle's house 009

Kyle and Mike have the most amazing house on Puget sound. Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon!  Thanks Spenser for playing with the twins.  The really had a blast.Kyle's house 014

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A picnic in the back yard

Hi Daddy!  We miss you!

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