Cameron and Jasmine are here!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeen!!!

We celebrated by making a pumpkin pie from scratch. Scraped the pumpkins, cooked the seeds, ate the seeds, made the crust and....ate the pumpkin pie! Cameron loved it, Jasmine just ate the ice cream.

Ok, now on to the main event! This morning when Jasmine woke up, she asked me if it was 2 days until Halloween, and I said no, it's today. She exclaimed TODAY!!! And was so excited. They had a lot of fun wearing their costumes to school today. Here they are going to school. More pics tomorrow of the main event!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Back to Fir Point Farms

This time with Natalie and Lorelei. Fun as usual. Jasmine talked about the last pony ride for weeks, so was quite happy to do it again. Cameron preferred hanging out on daddy's shoulders.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hoyt Arboretum

We spend the day in the forest today.

My little tree hugger from the great NW.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seaside and painted toes

We spent the last day at Seaside. Beautiful weather!!! Always makes the beach that much more fun. Colette, Cameron and I got stuck in a sneaker wave and the kids not only got soaked, but a lesson in the power of water. Fortunately, I was holding their hand and all was fine, but it sure shook them up. We also had pedicure night!

Friday, October 17, 2008


We found the mother load of mushrooms today! Red ones, orange, brown, tan, and many more. We hiked 2.5 miles today, which is a record for us. We didn't mean to hike that much, but lack of proper signage, we ended up at a very deserted beach, full of sand dollars!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Long Beach, WA

Daddy's back in Japan, and we're back at the beach! Here's our "new home".

Drawing letters in the sand.

Running away from the waves.

Catching sea snakes!

Look what Jasmine found. what a happy girl.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cameron the dancer

See that boy, watch that scene, dig in the dancing king!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fir Point Farms

Got to love Maybe they are in your home town. Anyway, we love bargains on this site and this one was for our favorite pumpkin farm. Jasmine was scared of the pony ride at first, but by then end, was feeling the horsey grove. They found a couple of huge pumpkins, hung out in the hazel nut house, took a hike in the forest, took a hay ride with the belgium draf horses, but especially enjoyed the sunshine.

On a completely separate note, we our out of diapers!!!!!! As in no more diapers. morning noon and night!! Do your realize how much money we are saving now!!!!! A LOT!!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mission Hill Museum

Took the kids to Salem today to the Mission Hill Museum.

It was a fun day. Perhaps more intersting for adults, but the kids always manage to have fun no matter where they go.

This lady is making a blanket for her granddaughter.

Yes, that's Cameron heading towards the elevator. That was his highlight of the day. But, it was a glass shaft and he could not only see it coming and going, but could see inside the elevator going up and down too.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

In seach of the great pumpkin

Time to find a pumpkin! Two little ones and one big one was the tall order of the day. Off we go, rain, mud and all. Pre mud.

Ah, Jasmine found her perfect pumpkin!

We're muddy and we want to go home.....


Daddy went to Seattle and we went along for the ride. Here we are at the Seattle Aquarium. What a great place!

Kyle is mommy's friend since 4th grade. Thank you Kyle so much for helping look after us in the big city!!!

Taking a ride on Mr. Orca whale.

Thanks for the change to toss into the fountain!

There's a great children's museum in Bellevue. We spent hours here just having fun.
Cameron had two favorites. The big peterbuilt truck with real truck sounds.

2nd favorite, no, not drawing pics on his face......

But the LIGHT SWITCH exhibit!!!!!

Yes, Cameron's still obsessed with lights.

And Jasmine...not so much.

Trains are ok too. But not nearly as exciting as light!

After a little break, we ventured out to Goodwill to find a Halloween costume. But there's a dog house to play in along the way. We eventually found a dinosaur and Pegasus costume for Halloween.

We broke up the ride home with yet, another children's museum in Olympia.

Crab anyone?

Ah, now where talking....more LIGHTS!!

Jasmine missed most of all....."her girl kitty". She was so happy to get home to her precious "Girl Kitty" a.k.a Randi. But in Jazzy's heart, it's always "The Girl Kitty".